مندرجات کا رخ کریں

سانچہ:پرچم ملک

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے
(سانچہ:Flagcountry سے رجوع مکرر)

{{country data {{{1}}}|flagcountry/core|variant=|size=|name=}}

This template displays the flag and the name of a country, linked to the main article of that country (flag + country).


Country (mandatory)
Parameter 1 identifies the country by name or three-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
Name example: {{پرچم ملک|France}} →  فرانس
Country code example: {{پرچم ملک|FRA}} →  فرانس
Variant flag image (optional)
Parameter 2 is used to display a different version of the flag.
Example: {{پرچم ملک|France|free}} →  فرانس. In this example, the historical flag for Free France (1940-1945) is identified by the second parameter of "free". The list of flag variants is specific for each country.
Link text (optional)
Use the name= parameter to change the link text.
Example: {{پرچم ملک|France|name=C'est la France}} →  C'est la France
Size (optional)
Use the size= parameter to change the size from the default.
Example: {{پرچم ملک|France|size=40px}} →  فرانس.



This template uses the data templates listed under زمرہ:سانچہ جات معطیات ممالک, which contain the data what to display (Example: template:country data France) and the formatter template:country flagcountry2, which contains the logic how to display the country data.


See also
