مندرجات کا رخ کریں

سانچہ:Convert/list of units

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے

The table below lists units supported by template {{convert}}. The list is not complete—more complete lists are linked for each dimension. A complete list is at the full list of units.

Explanation – unit codes

The {{convert}} template uses unit-codes, which are similar to (but not necessarily exactly the same as) the usual written abbreviation for a given unit. These 'unit-codes' are given in column 3 of the following tables, and are accepted as input by the {{convert}} template as the second and third unnamed parameters. For example, {{convert|100|kg|lb}} produces "100 کلوگرام (220 پونڈ)" and {{convert|100|lb|kg}} produces "100 پونڈ (45 کلوگرام)"

Some units have alternative unit-codes; these are shown in brackets in column 3, e.g. °F (F): either may be entered for Fahrenheit (but not lower-case f).

The unit-codes should be treated as case-sensitive, especially in cases like {{convert|100|Mm|mm}}, which produces "100 میگامیٹر (1.0×1011  ملی میٹر)".

The output of {{convert}} can display multiple converted units, if further unit-codes are specified after the second unnamed parameter (without the | separator). Typical combination output units are listed below in column 7. For example, {{convert|55|nmi|km mi}} produces "55 بحری میل (102 کلومیٹر؛ 63 میل)", and {{convert|1|oz|ozt g gr}} produces "1 اونس (0.91 ozt؛ 28 گرام؛ 440 gr)".

سانچہ:Convert/list of units/volume/short list
Abridged list of units supported by {{Convert}}
system unit code
symbol/abbreviation notes conversion factor combinations
the system(s) to which the unit belongs units listed by name codes that can be entered when using the template symbols/abbreviations as displayed by the template notes which may pertain to the units in general or specifically to their use in this template conversion factors used by the template to convert to and from the SI base unit codes for multiple conversions

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/m2 combinations
SI مربع کلومیٹre km2 کلومیٹر2 US spelling: square kilometer
  • km2 sqmi
مربع میٹرre m2 میٹر2 US spelling: square meter
  • m2 sqft
square centimetre cm2 cm2 US spelling: square centimeter
  • cm2 sqin
square millimetre mm2 mm² US spelling: square millimeter
  • mm2 sqin
non-SI metric hectare ha ha 10,000
US customary
مربع میل sqmi مربع میل 2,589,988.110336
  • sqmi km2
ایکڑ acre 4,046.856422
مربع گز sqyd مربع گز 0.83612736
square فٹ sqft
مربع فٹ The sqfoot code will produce square foot as the plural form. 0.09290304
  • sqft m2 (sqfoot m2)
مربع انچ sqin مربع انچ 0.00064516
  • sqin cm2
Other square nautical mile sqnmi sq nmi 3,429,904
dunam dunam For alternative spellings and definitions see the full list 1,000
tsubo tsubo (400/121)

سانچہ:Convert/list of units/density/short list

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/J combinations
SI gigajoule GJ GJ 1,000,000,000
megajoule MJ MJ 1,000,000
kilojoule kJ kJ 1,000
hectojoule hJ hJ 100
decajoule daJ daJ 10
joule J J 1
decijoule dJ dJ 0.1
centijoule cJ cJ 0.01
millijoule mJ mJ 0.001
microjoule μJ (uJ) µJ 0.000001
nanojoule nJ nJ 0.000000001
cgs megaerg Merg Merg 0.1
kiloerg kerg kerg 0.0001
erg erg erg 0.0000001
Watt-hour multiples terawatt-hour TWh TWh 3.6×10^15
TW.h TW·h
gigawatt-hour GWh GWh 3.6×10^12
GW.h GW·h
megawatt-hour MWh MWh 3,600,000,000
MW.h MW·h
kilowatt-hour kWh kWh 3,600,000
kW.h kW·h
watt-hour Wh Wh 3,600
W.h W·h
الیکٹرون وولٹ multiples gigaelectronvolt GeV GeV 0.0000000001602176487
megaelectronvolt MeV MeV 1.602176487×10^−13
kiloelectronvolt keV keV 1.602176487×10^−16
electronvolt eV eV 1.602176487×10^−19
millielectronvolt meV meV 1.602176487×10^−22
Calorie multiples حرارہ Cal حرارہ The thermochemical calorie is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list. 4,184
megacalorie Mcal Mcal 4,184,000
kilocalorie kcal kcal 4,184
calorie cal cal 4.184
millicalorie mcal mcal 0.004184
foot-poundal ftpdl ft·pdl 0.0421401100938048
foot-pound (energy) ftlbf ft·lbf 1.3558179483314003
ftlb-f ft·lbf
inch-pound force inlbf in·lbf 0.1129848290276167
inlb-f in·lbf
inch-ounce force inozf in·ozf 0.00706155181422604350
inoz-f in·ozf
horsepower-hour hph hp·h 2,684,519.537696173000
British thermal unit British thermal unit Btu Btu The International Steam Table British thermal unit is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list. 1,055.05585262
TNT-based units gigatonne of TNT GtTNT 4.184×10^18
gigaton of TNT GtonTNT
megatonne of TNT MtTNT 4.184×10^15
megaton of TNT MtonTNT Mt
kilotonne of TNT ktTNT 4.184×10^12
kiloton of TNT ktonTNT kt
tonne of TNT tTNT 4,184,000,000
ton of TNT tonTNT
Other Hartree Eh Eh 4.35974417×10^−18
rydberg Ry Ry 2.1798741×10^−18
tonne of oil equivalent toe toe 41,868,000,000
barrel of oil equivalent BOE BOE 6,117,863,200
cubic foot of natural gas cuftnaturalgas
The cufootnaturalgas code will produce cubic foot of natural gas as the plural form. 1,055,055.85262
litre-atmosphere latm l·atm 101.325
Latm L·atm
gallon-atmosphere impgalatm imp gal·atm 460.63256925
gallon-atmosphere USgalatm
US gal·atm 383.5568490138
U.S. gal·atm

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/N combinations
SI giganewton GN GN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1,000,000,000
  • GN LT-f
  • GN LTf
  • GN ST-f
  • GN STf
meganewton MN MN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1,000,000
  • MN LT-f
  • MN LTf
  • MN ST-f
  • MN STf
kilonewton kN kN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1,000
  • kN LT-f
  • kN LTf
  • kN ST-f
  • kN STf
newton N N 1
  • N lb-f
  • N lbf
  • N oz-f
  • N ozf
millinewton mN mN 0.001
  • mN oz-f
  • mN ozf
  • mN gr-f
  • mN grf
micronewton μN (uN) µN 0.000001
  • μN gr-f
  • μN grf
nanonewton nN nN 0.000000001
  • nN gr-f
  • nN grf
cgs megadyne Mdyn Mdyn 10
kilodyne kdyn kdyn 0.01
dyne dyn
dyn 0.00001
millidyne mdyn mdyn 0.00000001
Metric gravitational units tonne-force t-f tf 9,806.65
tf tf
kilogram-force kg-f kgf 9.80665
kgf kgf
gram-force g-f gf 0.00980665
gf gf
milligram-force mg-f mgf 0.00000980665
mgf mgf
Avoirdupois-based units poundal pdl pdl 0.138254954376
long ton-force LT-f LTf 9,964.01641818352
  • LT-f ST-f
  • LTf STf
short ton-force ST-f STf 8,896.443230521
  • ST-f LT-f
  • STf LTf
pound-force lb-f lbf 4.4482216152605
lbf lbf
ounce-force oz-f ozf 0.2780138203095378000
ozf ozf
grain-force gr-f grf 0.0006354602307515
grf grf

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/m combinations
SI megametre Mm Mm US spelling: megameter
کلومیٹر km کلومیٹر US spelling: kilometer
  • km mi
میٹر m میٹر US spelling: meter
  • m ft
  • m ftin
centimetre cm cm US spelling: centimeter
  • cm in
millimetre mm mm US spelling: millimeter
  • mm in
micrometre μm (um) µm US spelling: micrometer
nanometre nm nm US spelling: nanometer
non-SI metric ångström Å
Å 0.0000000001
US customary
میل mi میل 1,609.344
  • mi km
furlong furlong 201.168
chain chain 20.1168
rod rd rd For other names of this unit see the full list. 5.0292
fathom fathom assumes 1 fathom ≡ 6 ft 1.8288
yard yd yd assumes the international definition 0.9144
فٹ ft (foot) فٹ The foot code will produce foot as the plural form. 0.3048
  • ft m (foot m)
hand hand h 0.1016
inch in in 0.0254
  • in cm
  • in mm
Other nautical mile nmi nmi the international standard nautical mile
For other nautical miles see the full list.
parsec pc pc 3.08567758130570×10^16
light-year ly ly 9.4607304725808×10^15
فلکیاتی اکائی AU AU 149,597,870,691

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/kg combinations
SI کلوگرام kg کلوگرام Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1
  • kg lb
  • kg st
gram g g 0.001
  • g oz
milligram mg mg 0.000001
  • mg gr
microgram μg (ug) µg 0.000000001 د
non-SI metric tonne t t Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1,000
  • t LT
  • t ST
metric ton MT t
  • MT LT
  • MT ST
Avoirdupois long ton LT 2,240 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • LT t
  • LT MT
  • LT ST
long ton
short ton ST 2,000 lb
used mostly in the US
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • ST t
  • ST MT
  • ST LT
short ton
stone st st 14 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth except Canada
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • st kg
  • st lb
پاؤنڈ lb پاؤنڈ Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 0.45359237
  • lb kg
  • lb st
ounce oz oz 0.028349523
  • oz g
drachm drachm 0.001771845195
drachm dram
grain gr gr equivalent to the troy grain 0.00006479891
Troy troy ounce ozt ozt 0.0311034768
other carat carat 0.0002

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/(m/s) combinations
SI metre per second m/s m/s US spelling: meter per second
  • m/s ft/s (m/s foot/s)
non-SI metric kilometre per hour km/h km/h US spelling: kilometer per hour
  • km/h mph
US customary
mile per hour mph mph 0.44704
  • mph km/h
  • mph kn
foot per second ft/s (foot/s) ft/s The foot/s code will produce foot per second as the plural form. 0.3048
  • ft/s m/s
Maritime units knot kn (knot) kn (4.63/9)
  • kn mph

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion
to kelvin
SI kelvin K K Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. [K]
  • K °C (K C)
  • K °R (K R)
  • K °F (K F)
degree Celsius °C (C) °C ([°C]+273.15)
  • °C K (C K)
  • °C °R (C R)
  • °C °F (C F)
US customary
degree Rankine °R (R) °R ([°R]/1.8)
  • °R K (R K)
  • °R °C (R C)
  • °R °F (R F)
degree فارنہائٹ °F (F) °ف (([°F]+459.67)/1.8)
  • °F K (F K)
  • °F °C (F C)
  • °F °R (F R)

(Full list)
system unit unit-
notes sample default
output units
SI نیوٹن میٹر Nm N·m Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1.0 N·m (0.74 پونڈ·فٹ)
  • Nm kg.m
  • Nm lb.ft
Non-SI metric کلوگرام میٹر kg.m کلوگرام·میٹر 1.0 کلوگرام·میٹر (9.8 N·m؛ 7.2 پونڈ·فٹ)
  • kg.m Nm
  • kg.m lb.ft
US customary
پونڈ قوت-فٹ lb.ft پونڈ·فٹ 1.0 پونڈ·فٹ (1.4 N·m)
  • lb.ft Nm
  • lb.ft kg-m
SI نیوٹن میٹر N.m N·m Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1.0 N·m (0.74 پونڈ·فٹ)
  • N.m kgf.m
  • N.m lbf.ft
Non-SI metric کلوگرام قوت-میٹر kgf.m kgf·m 1.0 kgf·m (9.8 N·m؛ 7.2 پونڈ·فٹ)
  • kgf.m N.m
  • kgf.m lbf.ft
US customary
پونڈ قوت-فٹ lbf.ft پونڈ·فٹ 1.0 پونڈ·فٹ (1.4 N·m)
  • lbf.ft N.m
  • lbf.ft kgf.m
unit code abbreviation conversion factor/Pa
gigapascal GPa GPa 1,000,000,000
megapascal MPa MPa 1,000,000
kilopascal kPa kPa 1,000
hectopascal hPa hPa 100
pascal Pa Pa 1
millipascal ‎mPa‎ mPa 0.001
millibar mbar mbar 100
mb mb
decibar ‎dbar dbar 10,000
bar bar bar 100,000
kilobarye kBa kBa 100
barye ‎Ba Ba 0.1
standard atmosphere atm atm 101,325
torr Torr Torr (20,265/152)
millimetre of mercury mmHg mmHg 133.322387415
inch of mercury inHg inHg 3,386.388640341
pound per square inch psi psi (444,822,161.52605/64,516)
Fuel efficiency
unit code
notes combinations
kilometres per litre km/l (km/L) Use km/L to get "km/L"
  • km/l mpgimp
  • km/l mpgus
litres per 100 kilometres l/100 km (L/100 km) Use L/100 km to get "L/100 km"
  • l/100 km mpgimp
  • l/100 km mpgus
litres per kilometre l/km (L/km) Use L/km to get "L/km"
  • l/km impgal/mi
  • l/km usgal/mi
miles per imperial gallon mpgimp
  • mpgimp mpgus
miles per US gallon mpgus (mpgUS, mpgU.S.) Use mpgUS to get "US"

Use mpgU.S. to get "U.S."
mpgus will give "U.S." if spelling is
set to US & "US" otherwise

  • mpgus mpgimp
imperial gallons per mile impgal/mi
  • impgal/mi
US gallons per mile usgal/mi (USgal/mi, U.S.gal/mi) As above with the us vs US vs U.S.
  • usgal/mi
The mpgUS, mpgU.S., USgal/mi vs U.S.gal/mi, km/L, L/100 km and L/km variants work within combinations also (making 36 combinations in total).
Watts, kilowatts, milliwatts, etc. are supported. As is horsepower (English & metric). Use standard abbreviations as input code (lower case hp for horsepower, for example)
Population density
unit code
notes combinations
inhabitants per square kilometre PD/sqkm PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqkm PD/sqmi
per square kilometre /sqkm Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqkm /sqmi
inhabitants per hectare PD/ha
  • PD/ha PD/acre
per hectare /ha
  • /ha /acre
inhabitants per square mile PD/sqmi PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqmi PD/sqkm
per square mile /sqmi Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqmi /sqkm
inhabitants per acre PD/acre
  • PD/acre PD/ha
per acre /acre
  • /acre /ha