مندرجات کا رخ کریں

100000 (عدد)

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے
99999 100000 100001
لفظیایک (one) hundred هزار
(ایک (one) hundred هزارth)
اجزائے ضربی25× 55
مقسوم علیہ1, 100000
رومن عددC
یکرمزی علامات
اثنا عشری49A5412
ستہ عشری186A016
اساس بیسCA0020
اساس چھتیس255S36

100000 (عدد) یعنی 100000 ایک عدد اور ایک علامت ہے۔ کچھ عددی نظاموں میں 99999 سے بڑا یا زیادہ اور 100001 سے چھوٹا یا کم ہوتا ہے۔ گنتی میں اسے ایک لاکھ بولا جاتا ہے۔ اور اس سے پہلے نینانوے ہزار نو سو نینانوے اور اس کے بعد ایک لاکھ ایک بولا جاتا ہے۔

انفرادی خصوصیات


عمومی خصوصیات


Terms for 100000


In بھارت, پاکستان and جنوبی ایشیا, one hundred thousand is called a لاکھ. The Thai, Lao, خمیر زبان and ویتنامی زبان languages also have separate words for this number: แสน, ແສນ, សែន [saen] and ức [uc] respectively. No other major language has a special word for this number, preferring to refer to it as a multiple of smaller numbers.[حوالہ درکار]

100000 کی حیثیت


In فلکیات, 100,000 metres, 100 kilometres, or 100 km (62 miles) is the بلندی at which the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) defines خلائی پرواز to begin.

In the آئرش زبان, Ceád Mile Fáilte (pronounced: KAY-ed MEE-luh FOIL-cha) is a popular greeting meaning "A Hundred Thousand Welcomes".

In piphilology, one hundred thousand is the current world record for the number of digits of پائی memorized by a انسان.

100001 تا 999999 کے خاص اعداد

  • 100003 – smallest 6-digit prime number
  • 100255Friedman number[1]
  • 101101 – smallest palindromic Carmichael number
  • 101723 – smallest مفرد عدد whose square is a pandigital number containing each digit from 0 to 9
  • 102564 – The smallest parasitic number
  • 103680highly totient number
  • 103769 – the number of combinatorial types of 5-dimensional parallelohedra
  • 103823 – nice Friedman number
  • 104723 – the 9,999th prime number
  • 104729 – the 10,000th prime number
  • 104869 – the smallest مفرد عدد containing every non-prime digit.
  • 105664harmonic divisor number
  • 110880highly composite number
  • 111111repunit
  • 111777 – smallest natural number requiring 17 syllables in American English, 19 in British English
  • 113634Motzkin number for n = 14
  • 114689مفرد عدد of F12
  • 115975Bell number
  • 116281 = 341^2 square number, centered decagonal number, 18-gon number.
  • 117067 – first prime vampire number
  • 117649 = 76
  • 117800 – harmonic divisor number
  • 120284Keith number
  • 120960 – highly totient number
  • 121393Fibonacci number
  • 124000 – number of اسلامic prophets
  • 127777 – smallest natural number requiring 18 syllables in American English, 20 in British English
  • 127912Wedderburn–Etherington number
  • 128981 – Starts the first prime gap sequence of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
  • 129106 – Keith number
  • 131071مرسن مفرد عدد
  • 131072 = 217
  • 131361Leyland number
  • 134340پلوٹو's minor planet designation
  • 135137Markov number
  • 142129 = 377^2 Square number, Dodecagonal number
  • 142857Kaprekar number, Harshad number smallest گول عدد in معید اعشاریہ.
  • 144000 – number with religious significance
  • 147640 – Keith number
  • 148149 – Kaprekar number
  • 156146 – Keith number
  • 161051 = 115
  • 161280 – highly totient number
  • 166320 – highly composite number
  • 167400 – harmonic divisor number
  • 173600 – harmonic divisor number
  • 174680 – Keith number
  • 174763Wagstaff prime
  • 177147 = 311
  • 177777 – smallest natural number requiring 19 syllables in American English, 21 in British English
  • 178478 – Leyland number
  • 181440 – highly totient number
  • 181819 – Kaprekar number
  • 183186 – Keith number
  • 187110 – Kaprekar number
  • 195025Pell number, Markov number
  • 196418 – Fibonacci number, Markov number
  • 196883 – the dimension of the smallest nontrivial irreducible representation of the Monster group
  • 196884 – the coefficient of q in the فورئیر سیریز expansion of the j-invariant. The adjacency of 196883 and 196884 was important in suggesting monstrous moonshine.
  • 207360 – highly totient number
  • 208012کیٹیلان عدد
  • 208335 – the largest number to be both triangular and square pyramidal
  • 208495 – Kaprekar number
  • 221760 – highly composite number
  • 222222repdigit
  • 237510 – harmonic divisor number
  • 241920 – highly totient number
  • 242060 – harmonic divisor number
  • 248832 – the smallest fifth power that can be represented as the sum of only 6 fifth powers.
  • 261119Carol number
  • 262144 = 218; exponential factorial of 4; a superperfect number
  • 262468 – Leyland number
  • 263167Kynea number
  • 268705 – Leyland number
  • 274177 – prime factor of F6
  • 277200 – highly composite number
  • 279936 = 67
  • 280859 – a six-digit مفرد عدد whose square (algebra) is tridigital.
  • 293547 – Wedderburn–Etherington number
  • 294685 – Markov number
  • 298320 – Keith number
  • 310572 – Motzkin number
  • 317811 – Fibonacci number
  • 318682 – Kaprekar number
  • 326981alternating factorial
  • 329967 – Kaprekar number
  • 332640 – highly composite number; harmonic divisor number
  • 333333 – repdigit
  • 333667sexy prime and unique prime
  • 333673 – sexy prime
  • 333679 – sexy prime
  • 351352 – Kaprekar number
  • 355419 – Keith number
  • 356643 – Kaprekar number
  • 360360 – harmonic divisor number; the smallest number divisible by all of the numbers 1 through 15 (there is no smaller number divisble by 13)
  • 362880 = 9!, highly totient number
  • 370261 – first prime followed by a prime gap of over 100
  • 371293 = 135
  • 389305self-descriptive number in base 7
  • 390313 – Kaprekar number
  • 390625 = 58
  • 397585 – Leyland number
  • 409113 – sum of the first nine عاملیہs
  • 422481 – smallest number whose fourth power is the sum of three smaller fourth powers
  • 423393 – Leyland number
  • 444444 – repdigit
  • 461539 – Kaprekar number
  • 426389 – Markov number
  • 466830 – Kaprekar number
  • 470832 – Pell number
  • 483840 – highly totient number
  • 498960 – highly composite number
  • 499393 – Markov number
  • 499500 – Kaprekar number
  • 500500 – Kaprekar number, sum of first 1000 integers
  • 509203Riesel number
  • 510510 – the product of the first seven prime numbers, thus the seventh primorial
  • 514229Fibonacci prime, Markov number
  • 524287 – Mersenne prime
  • 524288 = 219, power of two
  • 524649 – Leyland number
  • 531441 = 312
  • 533169 – Leyland number
  • 533170 – Kaprekar number
  • 539400 – harmonic divisor number
  • 548834 – equal to the sum of the sixth powers of its digits
  • 554400 – highly composite number
  • 555555 – repdigit
  • 604800 – number of seconds in a week
  • 646018 – Markov number
  • 665280 – highly composite number
  • 666666 – repdigit
  • 676157 – Wedderburn–Etherington number
  • 678570 – Bell number
  • 694280 – Keith number
  • 695520 – harmonic divisor number
  • 720720superior highly composite number; colossally abundant number; the smallest number divisible by all the numbers 1 through 16
  • 725760 – highly totient number
  • 726180 – harmonic divisor number
  • 742900 – Catalan number
  • 753480 – harmonic divisor number
  • 765623emirp, Friedman number 56 × 72 − 6 ÷ 3
  • 777777 – repdigit, smallest natural number requiring 20 syllables in American English, 22 in British English
  • 823543 = 77
  • 832040 – Fibonacci number
  • 853467 – Motzkin number
  • 888888 – repdigit
  • 925765 – Markov number
  • 925993 – Keith number
  • 950976 – harmonic divisor number
  • 967680 – highly totient number
  • 999983 – largest 6-digit prime number
  • 999999 – The divisibility of this number by 7 and by 13 accounts for the fact that ناطق عددs with those denominators have 6-digit لامعید اعشاریہs when expressed in معید اعشاریہ form. Repdigit. See also Feynman point .

حوالہ جات

  1. "Problem of the Month (August 2000)"۔ 23 دسمبر 2018 میں اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 13 جنوری 2013