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^ ابپتٹثجIn Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German, the lenis obstruents /b, d, ɡ, z, dʒ, ʒ/ are voiceless [b̥, d̥, ɡ̊, z̥, d̥ʒ̊, ʒ̊] and are distinguished from /p, t, k, s, tʃ, ʃ/ only by articulatory strength (/v/ is really voiced). The distinction is also retained word-finally. In German Standard German, voiceless [b̥, d̥, ɡ̊, z̥, d̥ʒ̊, ʒ̊] as well as [v̥] occur allophonically after fortis obstruents and, for /b, d, ɡ/, often also word-initially. See fortis and lenis.
^ ابپIn German Standard German, voiced stops /b, d, ɡ/ are devoiced to [p, t, k] at the end of a syllable.
^ ابپPronunciation of /r/ in German varies according to region and speaker. While older prescriptive pronunciation dictionaries allowed only [r], that pronunciation is now found mainly in Switzerland, باواریا and Austria. In other regions, the uvular pronunciation prevails, mainly as a fricative/approximant [ʁ]. In many regions except for most parts of Switzerland, the /r/ in the ہجا is vocalized to [ɐ̯] after long vowels or after all vowels, and /ər/ is pronounced as [ɐ]
^ ابMany speakers lack the lenis /ʒ/ and replace it with its fortis counterpart /ʃ/ (Hall (2003:42)). The same applies to the corresponding lenis /dʒ/, which also tends to be replaced with its fortis counterpart /tʃ/. According to the prescriptive standard, such pronunciations are not correct.
^ ابپSome scholars write [ɑː] for [aː], and [ɑ] for its shortened counterpart, thus differentiating between regular [a] and shortened [ɑ] (see e.g. Wierzbicka & Rynkowska (1992:412–415)).
^ ابپتٹثجچThe nasal vowels occur in French loans. They are long [ãː, ɛ̃ː, õː, œ̃ː] when stressed and short [ã, ɛ̃, õ, œ̃] when unstressed. In colloquial speech they may be replaced with [aŋ, ɛŋ, ɔŋ, œŋ] irrespective of length, and the [ŋ] in these sequences may optionally be assimilated to the place of articulation of a following consonant, e.g. Ensemble[aŋˈsaŋbl̩] or [anˈsambl̩] for [ãˈsãːbl̩] (Mangold (2005:65)).
↑[œːɐ̯] is the German rendering of the English NURSE vowel /ɜːr/. It also appears in certain French surnames, e.g. Vasseur. (Krech et al. (2009:64, 142)).
^ ابپتٹثج[a, e, i, o, ø, u, y], the short versions of the long vowels [aː, eː, iː, oː, øː, uː, yː], are used at the end of unstressed syllables before the accented syllable and occur mainly in loanwords. In native words, the accent is generally on the first syllable, and syllables before the accent other than prepositional prefixes are rare but occasionally occur, e.g. in jedoch[jeˈdɔx], soeben[zoˈʔeːbn̩], vielleicht[fiˈlaɪçt] etc. In casual speech short [e, i, o, ø, u, y] preceding a phonemic consonant (i.e., not a [ʔ]) may be replaced with [ɛ, ɪ, ɔ, œ, ʊ, ʏ], e.g. [jɛˈdɔx], [fɪˈlaɪçt] (Mangold (2005:65)).
Christopher Hall (2003) [First published 1992]، Modern German pronunciation: An introduction for speakers of English (2nd ایڈیشن)، Manchester: Manchester University Press، ISBN0-7190-6689-1
Ingrid Hove (2002)۔ Die Aussprache der Standardsprache in der Schweiz۔ Tübingen: Niemeyer۔ ISBN978-3-484-23147-4
Eva Maria Krech، Eberhard Stock، Ursula Hirschfeld، Lutz-Christian Anders (2009)، Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch، Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter، ISBN978-3-11-018202-6